Adjust DMX value to shift from a soft wash to an intense beam luminaire with a 4-40° beam angle. Two seven-position gobo wheels and a variable animation wheel. A high-speed mechanical iris and an independent 5-facet rotating step prism further add to the graphical abilities. A unique lenticular feature allows the output to be further modified. DMX selectable shaft mode allows the luminaire to also function as a powerful collimated ray of light. Includes the Infinity Color Mix system providing incredibly smooth color changes and instantaneous snaps. Two five-position fixed color wheels and variable color correction further add to the color abilities. Swap from Wash to beam with no lens change. Luminaire contains smooth dimming flags that deliver unmatched dimming and strobing abilities, even when combined with independent shutter blades. Image projection sharper than standard beam fixture. Studio mode for quieter application uses. Multiple hanging rail points.